We have listed a few questions to help you understanding what to do in this specific situation. We hope this helps!

  1. What should I do if my child has symptoms similar to COVID (fever, cough)?
    If the child is at school, he will be isolated then the parents will be contacted. Parents should contact the pediatrician who will determine if the symptoms are COVID-like (which implies being inserted into the ASL platform, quarantine and successively a PCR test), if the child should stay at home for observation or if the symptoms are not assimilated to COVID.
    If the child is at home, the parents should contact the pediatrician and the same steps detailed above will be followed.
  1. What should I do if my child is positive?
    If the child is positive, it means that he has done a PCR test (tampone), the pediatrician will have already inserted the child in the ASL platform.
    The family will be contacted by the ASL to define the contact cases so that these children are quarantined. Two scenarios determined by ASL: 10 days + PCR after ASL appointment – or 14 days without PCR.
    Still in agreement with the ASL and the pediatrician, after 10 days of which at least 3 days without symptoms, the child will perform a PCR test to check if the child is now negative.
    Parents need to contact the school with the positive or negative result of this test.
  1. When can my child go back to school?
    The child can return to school only after a negative PCR and in agreement with ASL and pediatrician.
  1. What is the definition of close contact?
    Close contact: person with whom you have had contact for at least 15 minutes without the use of mask/visor and spacing.

Reference document : COMITATO TECNICO SCIENTIFICO EX OO.C.D.P.C. 03/02/2020, N. 630; 18/04/2020, N. 663; 15/05/2020, N. 673; 07/10/2020, N. 706

  1. What should I do if my child is a close contact case of someone ?
    Contact the pediatrician to define the type of isolation (10 days + pad or 14 days).
    Communicate to the school the cause of the absence.
  1. What happens if a classmate of my child is positive?
    The school makes a report to the ASL of the close contact cases of the child tested positive so that the children considered “close contact cases” can also be inserted in the ASL platform and that they can then follow the quarantine procedure, always in coordination with the pediatrician.
  1. Can my child go to school if another family member is positive or waiting for a PCR test result?
    If a family member is positive, then the child will be considered a close contact case and will not be able to go to school and will have to undergo a period of quarantine. In this case, the school must also be notified of the cause of the child’s absence.

I still have a doubt or I don’t understand certain points of this FAQ?
The situation evolves very fast, the decrees are published regularly and bring changes to the protocols: it can seem complex and the APE is here to help the families of our school!
The school’s referent for COVID is the principal, Mr. Legoff. You can consult the school for any additional requests. In the current context, it is preferable to give the school as much information as possible so that you can act and receive the required support to understand your particular case.
All the protocols published by the school can be found on the website in the section « PROTOCOLES COVID »
Otherwise you can also contact the APE, we are available to collect your doubts and resolve them in collaboration with the school.

Telephone and address of your local ASL:
Document COVID emergency toll-free number: 800.19.20.20.
Number to call during the weekend in case the ASL or your doctor cannot be reached.

School reference documents are to be found here: https://gionoturin.it/en/protocoles-covid/

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