General Assembly on 16 September 2021

All parents of the Lycée International Jean Giono de Turin, whether enrolled to the APE or not, are all cordially invited to the general assembly of the Association des Parents d’Elèves (EPA) Giono.

The AG will take place on September 16, 2021 at 6.30 pm in hybrid mode with the possibility of being present at school within the limits that will be defined by the Covid emergency on that date and online through a link that we will share via email and bulletin board the week before the elections.

The agenda will be as follows:

Role and operation of the EPA presented by M. Legoff

Projects carried out in the year 2020-2021 and ongoing projects for 2021-2022

Closure of the 2020-2021 financial statements

Presentation and approval of the new Statute of the Association

Presentation of candidates for the election of the new EPA Team for the year 2021-2022

Miscellaneous questions

Election of the new board
We encourage anyone who wants to apply for a bureau position to send an email to until 15/09.
It will be possible to vote online until 7.30 pm on 16/09 via the Balotilo platform with a link that we will communicate a week before the vote. At the same time as the AG, an urn will be made available for voting. Each associate can delegate their vote to another associate. Each member may have a maximum of 3 delegations and only registered members of the EPA can take part in the vote.
We remind you that to register, just follow the instructions you will find here.

Counting on your presence we wish you a great summer break.
The APE Giono team

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