The APE is appealing for your donations to co-finance the educational project « Embellissement et Végétalisation du Lycée International Jean Giono » to lower the CO2 level and reduce the school’s carbon footprint.
(See the video and the PDF below to discover the project)


We all know that Turin is a very polluted city. The Ecology Commission has created this educational greening project to create a pleasant, less polluted and cooler environment (during the hot months at the end of the school year).

For students, we see several benefits. First of all, they will benefit from a much more pleasant living space (outside and inside). Studies show that a green environment is more soothing than a concrete environment. Children will also have the chance to see their “decor” change with the seasons. We know that active pedagogy allows a better understanding of theoretical courses. And finally, our children are the decision makers of tomorrow, given the climate emergency, we would like to give them the tools that will allow them make the best decisions in the future.


  • Develop students’ ecological awareness.
  • Reduce the C02 of the establishment.
  • Increase biodiversity.
  • Recreate ecosystems.
  • Reinforce the application of learning seen in class.

    Planting here and elsewhere remains a priority for everyone!

We presented the project to various French and Italian foundations to finance it. We have already received an investment fund from the French government (STAFE) and also one from the school cooperative. We are awaiting other responses (Compagnia San Paolo, etc.). This project is estimated at €80,000. We have already raised €25,000!

  We need your help to make it happen!

Video made and produced by the eco-delegates.


>> You can donate by sending money to the APE account (see below).
>> If your company is interested in a collaboration, CONTACT US.
>> We are looking for specific expertise in certain fields (landscapers, professional gardeners, experts in ecology, sustainable development, etc.) if you are interested in giving a few hours of your time, CONTACT US.

How to give:

Campaign reference: GO GREEN

Bank transfer: IBAN: IT96H0200801021000101964640.

Satispay: by scanning the QR code below:

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